Sunday, 10 July 2011

copy of the deputation placed before the hon'ble minister in charge, department of higher education.

dear colleagues and friends :  The copy of the deputation that was placed before the Hon'ble Minster-in-charge, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal is attached below. the deputation was supplanted by a signature of more than hundred cwtts that had assembled at Bikash Bhawan on 9th July, 2011.

The Minister-in-Charge,
Department of Higher Education,
Government of West Bengal
Bikash Bhawan, Kolkata-

Respected Sir,

Sub: An Appeal to the Honourable Minister in Charge, Department of Higher Education.
At the onset we would like to congratulate the newly elected Government and the newly elected Minister- in-Charge, Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal on his grand success and wish him all the success.
Now, we, on behalf of Contractual Whole time Lecturer (CWTTs) in West Bengal, would like to place before the esteemed presence of the honourable Minister –in-Charge, Dept. of Higher Education the following demands for his kind perusal and consideration.
1.      We have already been assured of the kind and sympathetic outlook of the honourable minister towards the contractual whole time teachers. However, we feel it is necessary to bring to your notice the fact that almost all the approvals of the existing cwtts according to the G.O. N.O.952-Edn(CS)/10M/31/10 Dated the 9th December 2010 and G.O. N.O. 412-Edn(CS)/10M-31/10(Pt.) dated the 3rd June, 2011  are yet to reach the colleges. Hence, we earnestly request you to hasten the process of issuing approvals to the colleges in favour of cwtts.
2.      We also request you to reconsider the requisition of newspaper advertisement as mentioned in the G.O.NO. 412-Edn(CS)/10M-31/10(Pt.) dated Kolkata, the 3rd June, 2011 and kindly request you to consider advertisement in any other media (e.g., advertisement in newspapers published locally, advertisement in University/College office Notice Board, advertisement through website of the college etc.) as a valid advertisement for the recruitment of cwtts.
3.      There are a large number of cwtts who have been serving in various colleges with sincerity and devotion for a number of years who had been appointed as part time teachers but converted into cwtts later or have been recruited as cwtts against advertisement for ptts. due to change in actual situation (like enlargement in routine workload or enhancement of courses etc.) in between the time of advertisement and the time  of appointment or due to the requirement of college with a specific cause. Since, there wasn’t any proper guideline for the recruitment of the cwtts; the colleges had converted them to cwtts only through GB resolution.
If they are not accommodated within the purview of the Govt. Order their hard work will go in vain and they will be rendered jobless. So on humanitarian grounds we request you not to treat all conversions from ptts or guest lecturers on general terms but to bring those teachers who have really served as cwtts(supported by any other valid document) for a considerable length of time within the purview of the G.O.
4.      As per G.O.No 412-Edn(CS)/10M-31/10(Pt.)  dated Kolkata, the 3rd June, 2011 55% marks in aggregate for general candidates and 50% marks in aggregate for SC/ST candidates is necessary for the purpose of confirmation of cwtts. But, it is our request to accept the appointment of all existing cwtts up to 09/12/2010 (the date of publication of 1st favour of cwtts.) irrespective of % of marks.
5.      For our academic improvement and up gradation, to allow us to serve the students better, we request the govt. to make provisions so that we can attend orientation and refresher courses and can pursue UGC sponsored research projects.
6.      To save the interest and soul of Cwtts., we request you to consider the case of representation with voting right from the group of cwtts in different statutory bodies like Teacher’s Council, Academic Sub-committee, Governing Body etc. of the concerned college.

          Thanking you

                                                                                                         Yours sincerely
it may also be noted that a copy of the deputation along with a copy of the signatures was also placed before The Joint Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal.

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