Saturday, 11 February 2012

ATTENTION ALL CWTTS..................

A District general meeting will be held on 12.02.1012 (Sunday) at Bishnupur Teachers Trainning college at 11 a.m. All CWTTS of Bankura and Purulia districts are request to attain this meeting positively.Next meeting will be held on Kayani (A-10X/122), for The CWTTS  of Nadia and Murshidabad district and Midnapur town for CWTTS of  East and West porer meeting shedule pore janano hobe.
We have all ready send a demand copy(10 dafa) signed with 319 CWTTS, all over West Bengal.
The Honorable Minister-in-Charge,
Department of Higher education,
Government of West Bengal.
                     Sub: (Praying for the upgradation of service benefit.)
Respected Sir,
The following are the CWTTS as recommended and approved by the Government of West Bengal as per G.O. No. 952 Edn(CS) dated 09.12.2010,serving with commitment in the various colleges of West Bengal for the upgradation of excellence in higher education. But every day we are to suffer few problems regarding our service benefit. Therefore we have few demands for the enhancement of service benefit. The demands are annexed here with for your kind perusal.
1) Pay scale to be introduced for CWTTS.
2) Pension, Gratuity and PF to be introduced.
3) Salary to be regularized.
 4) Slab per experience to be introduced.
5) CWTTS are to be allowed to present in TC, G.B, Academic Council, Senate, Syndicate etc.
6) CWTTS are to be allowed to participate in evaluation process of examination-mainly examiner, external, moderator, question setter etc.
7) Designation of CWTTS to be changed.
8) EL to be introduced and be saved and ML to be saved for encashment.
9) CWTTS are to be allowed for MRP, study leave with full service benefit.
10) All CWTTS are to be allowed to serve in the same college with full service benefit in respect of advertisement, percentage of marks, conversion etc.
Thanking you.                                                              With Regards.
Copy to
a) DPI, Department of Higher Education,
Government   of  West Bengal.
b) Secretary, Department of Higher Education,
Government of West Bengal.
c) Vice-chancellor,                                
 University………………………. / …………………….. University.
 West Bengal.
d) Secretary,
 Principal Council.
e)Chairman .
College Service Commission
Government of West Bengal.
Standing Commity,
Department of Higher Education
Government of West Bengal.
Teachers and Scientists Association for Maldevelopment.(TASAM).
Sanjib Majumder
Behalf of all CWTT of West Bengal.

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